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Academy of Advance Aesthetic (Min Time Max Result)



Professional Certificate of Aesthetic Therapist (PROABC)

Course Code


Entry Requirement

Anyone who are keen to learn more about Aesthetic and Beauty Treatment.

Duration Period

1) Total class for PROABC divided into 2 Sessions, known as Level I and II.
2) Level 1: 1 month theories 1 month practical.
3) Level 2: 1 month theories 1 month practical. 
4) The date and time shall be informed at the beginning of the program.
     5) AAA shall notify any change of time, if arises, serving sufficient notice to the students.

Examination/ Assessment

Examination and practical assessment

Basic Language Requirement

Able to understand English or Bahasa Malay or Chinese 

Who should enroll?

General public, beautician, aesthetician, medispa therapist, aesthetic clinic assistant

Course Fee 

RM 2,688.00 (worth RM 3K) - Each Level Fee 


How old are you is YOUR business . . . How YOUNG you look is our BUSINESS . . .

Course Overview

International Academy of Advance Aesthetic is an intensive course of aesthetic and beauty provided for non-medical personnel. We provide high quality education and vocational training with a structured curriculum conducted by a group of certified aesthetic trainer. The program is dedicated to equips with the knowledge and skills through all theories and practices, allowing them to stand out and ready to excel in the beauty industry. We are located at Cheras Trader Square (Kuala Lumpur).

The program focuses on the theoretical aspect encompassing the science of aesthetics and the application of evidence-based practice, assessment and management of clients presenting with aesthetic problems. In addition, supervision and training is provided by Aesthetic Medical practitioners, certified beauty therapist and aestheticians during the practices.

Students will develop medical knowledge, practical skills and critical awareness of minimal invasive and non-invasive procedures supported by leading experts in the field. Upon completion of the program, Professional Aesthetic Beauty Certificate (PROABC) will be awarded to the successful students.

Course Objective

  • To offer general public who are interested to learn about aesthetic and beauty with a structured curriculum, conducted by a group of certified trainers/tutor.
  • To provide opportunity to the public in order to learn and enhance their knowledge in aesthetic and beauty industry.
  • To enhance the quality of aesthetic and beauty treatment by non-medical personnel.
  • To become a center of excellent in education/training for aesthetic and beauty localy and internationally.

Program Curricular

Professional Certificate of Aesthetic Therapist program consist of 3 modules :

Modules 1: Fundamental in Aesthetic Practice

  • Philosophy of Human Beauty
  • Beauty Concept in Aesthetic Industry
  • Facial Anatomy and Physiology
  • Skin Anatomy and Physiology
  • Aging process
  • Safety and Hygiene

Modules 2: Legislation, Rules, Regulation and Good Aesthetic Practice

  • KPDNKK guidelines for beauty / cosmetic/ aesthetic/ spa and related KKM act on aesthetic services
  • PBT (Local Authority Agency) regulations on beauty / cosmetic / aesthetic / spa
  • Good Aesthetic Practice

Modules 3: Introduction and Practical of Aesthetic Procedures

  • Overview of Non-invasive, Minimal invasive and Invasive aesthetic procedures
  • Introduction of Facial Cleansing, live demonstration and practical of the procedure
  • Introduction of Nd Yag Laser, live demonstration and practical of the procedure
  • Introduction of Superficial Chemical Peel, live demonstration and practical of the procedure
  • Introduction of Micro-needling, live demonstration and practical of the procedure
  • Introduction of RF skin tightening devices, live demonstration and practical of the procedure

Course Attendance 

  1. Students need to attend minimum 80% from the total lecture hours to be eligible to sit for the examination and assessment.
  2. Students shall notify and provide a valid reason to Academy of Advance Aesthetic if unable to meet the minimum attendance hours requirement.
  3. Failure to do so will result in students not eligible to sit for exam and having to re-sit the entire module with full chargeable fee.

Course Program Venue 

    181-1, Jalan Dataran Cheras 9, Dataran Perniagaan Cheras, 

    Cheras 43200 Balakong, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

    Contact : 010-2781978 

    FB  : 181 Face Aesthetic Beauty & Laser Center


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