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What the difference between fine line and wrinkles . . .

Fine Lines Vs. Wrinkles: 

What's the diffrence?

Before you start testing every anti-aging cream on the market, it’s important to understand the difference between fine lines and wrinkles so you narrow down which treatments and products will best help to you best reveal a younger you.

The Difference Between Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Many people use the words fine lines and wrinkles interchangeably, but there are actually considerable differences between the two. Not only do these two types of wrinkles appear on different areas of your face, treating the symptoms of both are different endeavors.

Fine Lines

Fine lines are very superficial, meaning they are only as deep as the topmost layer of your skin. They are small and shallow and may be hard to see initially. Most people don’t notice these lines forming because they are so “fine”, but they usually tend to form in your twenties and early thirties.

Fine lines most frequently develop around the eyes and the mouth. It’s also common for these lines form at the outer corners of the eyes and throughout the very thin skin under the eyes. You may also notice small creases at the corner of your mouth or around your lips, a slight crease between your eyebrows, and tiny lines beginning to show the furrows on your forehead.

Fine lines deepen as you get older because the collagen and elastin beneath the surface of your skin begin the breakdown, which is typical in the skin’s natural aging process. This means that as you age, your skin loses its ability to smoothly snap back into place after you smile or make a facial expression.

What Causes Fine Lines?

Fine lines indicate the beginning of your skin’s aging process and start to form as your skin loses elasticity due to environmental factors including and common repetitive facial muscle movements from making expressions.

  • Cold weather/environment : can take a toll on your body. As temperatures drop, so does the moisture content in your skin. This can lead to dehydrated problem with surface fine line.
  • Fair Skin: If you have very fair skin, you’re at increased risk of fine lines and wrinkles if you do not use ample daily sun protection.
  • Genetics: Your genetics play a large role in your skin’s resilience, which can either play for or against you in increasing or decreasing your chances of developing certain, if any, type of fine lines on your face.
  • Repetitive Facial Expressions: From squinting, smiling, laughing, frowning, and even from being surprised.
  • Smoking: Not only is the blood supply to your skin affected, but the repeated mouth puckering leads to the quick formation of fine lines around your mouth.
  • Sun Exposure: Increased sun exposure without proper protection is the fastest way to weaken your skin and cause long-term skin damage.

How to Treat Fine Lines

Because fine lines are so superficial, they respond to treatments faster and easier than deeper wrinkles do. Prevention is definitely the best option when it comes to fine lines on your face and neck. Protecting and caring for your skin well while you are young diminishes the rate at which you age later in life. 

  • Sun Protection: Generously apply sunscreen daily. Even if you have no plans to be outside. Make sure your sunscreen contains a physical block ingredient, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.
  • Adopt Healthy Habits: Your habits dictate your skin’s natural health. By giving up smoking, drinking less alcohol, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and staying hydrated greatly decreases your chances of premature skin aging.
  • Invest in Skin Care Treatments: Our in-office skin care treatments help ward off fine lines. From Botox, dermal fillers, and exfoliating processes, such as chemical peels or microneedling, we’ll analyze your skin to help you find the best treatment to help you reduce and prevent fine lines from appearing.
  • Use Good Skin Care Products: Use skincare products that are formulated for your specific skin type and concerns and moisturize daily! Get recommendations for which products you should use from our skin care experts and licensed medical estheticians.
  • Chemical Peels: Peels use to remove the top layer of the skin revealing the new healthy, vibrant skin beneath. Stronger chemical peels with glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid may be used for more heavily damaged skin. Chemical peels work well on many signs of aging, including sun-damaged skin.


Wrinkles form when fine lines are not treated quickly and begin to deepen. Wrinkles tend to form in certain areas of the face more quickly, often progressing into deep facial folds. They often form in areas where fine lines have formed, in areas where your face has gradually suffered volume loss, areas where your skin has begun to sag, or in areas of repetitive motion. Left untreated, wrinkles can lead to deep creases. Nasolabial folds are also common wrinkles that form between the corners of your mouth and the nose.

What Causes Wrinkles?

  • Aging: As we age, collagen and elastin break down beneath the surface of your skin, causing your skin to become less supple, smooth, and elastic. Collagen is like the scaffolding beneath the skin, holding it up. Elastin, on the other hand, maintains your skin’s elasticity. As they both break down, facial wrinkles deepen and skin starts to sag.
  • Environmental Factors: From sun damage, dehydrated skin, genetics, to a poor skincare regimen— these are other factors contribute to the faster-than-normal formation of wrinkles.

How to Prevent and Treat Wrinkles

There are numerous treatments to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face. See some of the treatments offered by Fion (Medical Aesthetician) hand-picked dream team of providers at our 181 Face Aesthetic Beauty Center -

  • Peptide Therapy : Peptide (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5) targets the dermis, and when it reaches it, is able to promote and stimulate the production of collagen by the dermal cells. Stimulation of collagen production by fibroblasts. Strengthening of the structures of the dermal-epidermal union. Reduces wrinkles on the forehead and eyes caused by facial expression muscles.First results are visible after 15 days of treatment with BIOR5 Peptide Therapy. Improvement of collagen fibers was 60% after 3 months of use.
  • Apple/Plant Stem Cell : StemCell Medical Facial helps plump the appearance of skin. Helps skin appear from taut a firm. Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots and large pores. Helps promote the look of even-toned skin.
  • Chemical Peels : As mentioned above, deeper chemical peels are very effective treating wrinkles. Peels remove the top layer of skin using alpha or beta-hydroxy acid to reveal the healthy and vibrant new skin beneath the top layer. Stronger chemical peels with glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid are best for heavily wrinkled skin.

Treatment for Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Our medical facial aesthetic treatments for any of your concerns regarding fine lines and wrinkles. We provide non-surgical solutions that will have you in and out of our office in no time— with fabulous results!

We provide a safe, secure and effective atmosphere and the experienced service you deserve.


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