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What is pimple clog pore?


Pimple, is breakout on skin with red sport with swollen. When pimple infection will itchy in beginning, then pain with pustules or papules       
Acne Vulgaris
Most commonly associated with puberty, ingrown hair and breakouts occur around the time of menses. 
Acne Rosacea (above 30 years old)
Most commonly due to stress and dyspepsia (acidity in the stomach) and chronic congestion of skin due to enlargement of sebaceous glands.

With the sebum trapped in the follicle, saprophytic bacteria start to feed on the dead cells and decompose them. Meanwhile, sebum is further secreted by the sebaceous gland and further irritation in the follicle occur. Blood rushes to the area and a papule is formed on skin surface. Eventually, pus is formed from dead bacteria, dead cells, dirt and debris, and then pustule is formed at this stage. Do not squeeze pustules at home as scarring can occur and poor hygiene occur worse. (get Professional Aesthetician advice)

1. Visit Professional Aesthetician in treatment center.
2. Choose the skin care for the right problem skin by Professional Aesthetician advise. 
    Ingrediant free from - mineral oil, synthetic preservative and alcohol and dryes and perfume, Ethanol
                                     (comedongenic ingrediant).
3. Check personal allergy food/medication/ingredient. Allergy are known and precautions are taken to
     prevent intake or contact with them.
4. Personal hygiene and lifestyle can make a huge different change and improvement.

Sensitive pimple, Allergy pimple, Dehydrate pimple, Oily pimple, Clog pore pimple....
Treat ; 1) Sensitive with soothing 2) Hydra with Hyaluronic Acid 3) Oiliness and clog with salicylic acid
Weekly care ; 1) Cleanser 2) Mild exfoliation gel 3) Soothing & Hydration mask 4) Vitamin C serum 
                      5) Soothing Gel
* Keep it simple/basic skin care and with gentle care. (less chemical) 
* Do NOT use warm water during washing face or cleansing. (prevent open pore and skin dehydrated)
* Cleanse skin 2 time a day, NOT more then 3 time. (may cause skin age faster)

Take note ; 
1. Tretinoin, Isotretinoin - If sensitive pimple skin may cause more sensitive, skin turn red easily during
    under sun activity or under heat activity.
2. Antibiotics - Some people may allergy this medication. Not advice for long term take due to health. 
3. Accutane, Vitamin A - This will make total body dry, those is married not advice take. Strongly advice    
    not take this due to health.
4. Birth control pill - This may not effective on pimple skin problem. So advice not to take, due to health.

Better solution ;
Monthly or weekly facial treatment is a must to keep the problem skin heal in the proper care. Extraction given by Professional Aesthetician, less chance to damage your skin.



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